Who We Are
The Canadian Association for Security and Intelligence Studies (CASIS) is a nonpartisan, voluntary organization established in 1985. Its purpose is to provide informed debate in Canada on security and intelligence issues. A distinguished board of directors comprised of professionals of national and international reputation and status oversee the operations of the association.
Membership is open and currently includes academics, government officials, journalists, lawyers, former intelligence officers, students and interested members of the public committed to the study of intelligence services.
What We Do
For over twenty-five years CASIS has held an annual meeting and has sponsored conferences, symposiums and forums on particular intelligence and security-related themes. The first conference was held at Glendon College in Toronto in June 1984 with others being held in Vancouver, Montreal, Calgary, and Halifax; more recently annual conferences have been held in Ottawa.
As an organization, CASIS was formed in May of 1985 at which time a constitution was adopted. That constitution has been amended and updated through the years, most recently in October 2011. Today CASIS’s aims are:
- To promote the study of intelligence and security in Canada.
- To provide an interdisciplinary, diverse and inclusive forum for interested persons to discuss topics related to security and intelligence.
- To encourage research in intelligence and security in the interest of higher education, scholarship, and an informed public opinion.
- To facilitate awareness and understanding of the Canadian security and intelligence landscape.